

School Introduction

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Brief Introduction of School of Humanities

来源:阅读次数: 日期:2023年09月03日


The predecessor of the School of Tourism and Media of Chongqing Jiaotong University was the School of Humanities. It was founded in 2003 and changed the name to the School of Tourism and Media in 2021. The school seeks survival with quality and seek development with features. It is the national university student’s education base of culture quality, cultivating talents in the domains of culture, tourism and transportation for government, transportation industry, media industry, tourism industry and cultural and creative industry. The teachers and students were awarded with the Prize of National Teaching Achievements and the Championship of "Chinese Bridge"—Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Students in China.


With more than 1200 Chinese and international students, we provide undergraduate programs in Broadcast and Television, Advertising, Tourism Management and Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(TCSOL) and master degree programs in Journalism and Communication, Tourism Management and Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. We have approximately 70 teachers including 7 provincial and ministerial level experts, 30 professors and associate professors, and over 50 teachers with master degree and oversee education background.


We set up multiple Industry-University-Research Collaboration platforms and Innovation and Entrepreneurship platforms like Benin Research Centre authorized by Ministry of Education, "Humanities and Transportation" Makerspace of Chongqing, Transportation Culture Industry Institute, Yangzi River Culture Industry Institute, Yangzi River Tourism School, Chinese Culture Training Centre, Humanities Experimental Centre, etc.. In addition, We establish cooperative relationship with overseas universities and institutes like University of Southampton, which offer our students opportunities of gaining dual-degree or doing academic visiting abroad.


In recent years, teachers gained provincial and ministerial level awards, such as the Second Prize of National Teaching Achievements, the First Prize of Chongqing Government Development Research, the Second Prize of Chongqing Humanities and Social Science Research, etc. Students won the first prize and the second prize more than 70 times in National College Students Advertising Art Competition, National College Students' Original Micro-video Competition, China's "Internet Plus" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Contest for College Students and so on. Moreover, the international students in our school earned gold and silver awards of "Chinese Bridge"—Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Students in China.


For the school’s future, focusing on "highlighting transportation characteristics and innovating humanities development", leading by the construction of characteristic disciplines, taking advantage of transportation engineering disciplines, relying on "three schools-makerspace-centers", and centering on the idea of "culture plus tourism plus transportation", we will strengthen the construction of professional connotation and teaching team, enhance the ability of innovation and entrepreneurship, serve our university, industries and enterprises, integrate into industries and academia, and strive to attain better and faster progress.


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